๐Ÿ“–Project Guidelines

Understanding project guidelines for getting accepted into official Potlock Public Goods registry

Who Can Sign Up?

Anybody can sign up who is considered a public good.

What is A Public Good?

You provide more valuation creation than value capture

Categories Explained

Soon we will be enabling to choose multiple categories

Public Good

Your project is oriented towards creating social benefit and improving some corner of the world somehow.

Open Source

  • A project in which majority of code base is open source

  • Must be a culture of encouraging additional contributors and open source development

  • Recent Activity: There must be meaningful GitHub activity within the past 3 months, demonstrating ongoing work aligned with the project's mission.

  • The project does not have to be a Web3 project

We recommend your codebase follows the Public Code Standard https://github.com/publiccodenet/standard/tree/develop


  • A project that addresses climate issues

  • Not everything needs to be non profit for climate round

  • Private corporations in climate that bring more positive impact ot environment can be eligible (exception for this round)

A non profit organization

  • 501c3 organizations are automatically qualified

  • An organization that does not distribute its profits to owners or shareholders. Reinvests profits back into the organization for its mission-driven activities.


  • Projects promoting decentralized science space and democratiziing or disrupting the traditional science space


  • Your project is dedicated and provide some type of free and accessible education program or resources

  • Not limited to just Web3 education

As part of your application you will be required to justify why you are a a public good as well as putting funding to date

Projects That Donโ€™t Qualify

  • Extractive; closed source projects. Purely in it for profit, and does not create more value creation

  • Software that is not open source

  • Educational initiatives that do not have a free element or provides accessible resources

  • Projects that are meant to enrich only a few individuals

Quality Submissions

A project is likely to get unlisted due to the following:

  • โŒ No project description

  • โŒ Vague project description

  • โŒ No unique or custom banner photo

  • โŒ No justification as a public good

Flagged Projects

Projects that are found to exhibit "unacceptable behavior as outlined by our Code of Conduct will be flagged from our public registry immediately with proper justification on-chain. Flagged projects and unapproved rounds from the protocol can be soon found at uncensored.potlock.org

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

  • โŒ The use of violent or sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind

  • โŒ Trolling, insulting, derogatory, abusive or vulgar comments, and personal, political, or religious attacks

  • โŒ Public or private harassment

  • โŒ Publishing othersโ€™ private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission (including doxing)

  • โŒ Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

How to get on our registry

  • Projects get listed automatically

  • DAO or admin can put projects on graylist if they do not fulfill the aforesaid criterion

  • If their is a complaint for status please join the Potlock Community telegram and in the feedback section explain why.

Technical Details

When you sign up for Potlock you are signing up for a public profile that information is stored on the blockchain with a project account. This means you must secure your private keys.

Last updated