๐ฃFor Approved Projects in Pot
For projects that have been approved in a pot
Before Matching Round Starts
Before the matching rounds start you want to start markeitng that you got accepted into the Pot and that donors will need to verify as a human to streamline this. Join the POTLOCK community chat to get a sense of any questions.
Raising Matched Donations
What makes a strong profile?
Outside of marketing it is important that you have a strong profile. Make sure your profile is complete, if you have contracts, past funding you put it. Also regulrly update on chain and put relevant links so other can go to your project profile and see what you are all about.
Compelte with banner and relevant links
Post on NEAR Social regularly
use LNC Watch bot
It is important to note that you can only receive matched donations. If someone gives you a donation from your profile, that is enabled for anyone to do and won't be counted towards the matching round. It is important that you get donors to verify they are a human through nada.bot eto get donation that can be matched through the matching pool., and this is when the matching period is live.
When I Will Receive Payments
All donations come directly to the project. The matching payouts happen after the matching round cool down period. When a matching round is over the pot owner, admin, or chef needs to initiate the calculations & payout transaction. Then their is a cooldown timer for any one to object the calculations. After which the payouts are automated and can be seen in payouts tabs. The funds will be in the wallet of the project account you signed up with.
Donations must be given through the pot section during when matching period is live by people verified as human through nada bot (or whatever the pot requires) to have their donation amplified.
Post Round
After a round, your project still exists and you will continue to build you reputation.
First share on social media with the tempalte how much you rasied and how these funds will impact you.
Last updated
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