Pot [live]
A pot is a funding round
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A pot is a funding round
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{name}.v1.potfactory.potlock.near or {name}.potfactory.potlock.testnet
The major differences in a pot are defined in the PotFactory contract
Donor Requirements: which human checks. Most type will be human check on sybil.potlock.near
Application time period (when a project can apply and the Pot's Chef approve & rejects application) and round time period (when external contributions come in)
Number of Milestones: Whether there are milestones and number of milestones. All number of milestones are the same for every project, unless they did no meat the treshold amount.
If there are milestones, what is threshold amount of fund raise to require milestones be turned in
percentage of funds raised paid up front. How much if there are milestones is pad up front. The rest is equally divided by milestone
There is a max number of 3 milestones set by the PotFactory to prevent over administrative work and too small payouts for projects.
Number of max projects: whether there are a number of max projects to prevent over saturation of rounds. Up to the Pot's Chef to filter this.
Currency: For now on MVP we are only allowing for NEAR rounds to reduce complexity. In the future we will be supporting fungible tokens, mostly rolling out USDC and USDT based rounds.
As a round manager, you can
Accept or reject new applications during the application period. You cannot accept applications if there is a max number of projects and there are already that many applicants.
approve or disprove a milestone (with a reason). Part of the most difficult part of being a Round Manager or a Chef is that you are literarily reviewing grants on a rolling basis. Whether a project completed a milestone, by comparing what they outline in the milestone in their Pot application, compared to the milestone Evidence they submitted.
A contract can require you to be on a list like the POTLOCK Public Goods List (lists.potlock.near) list_id = 1
You can submit an application with any relevant information
If their are milestones, you must put in specific milestone information for the number of milestones required for this pot
You must be a verified human unless other requirements are specified by the factory contract
You choose the project and the amount.
There is a function to donate (it is important to note that part of your donation a small fee is given to protocol and the Chef
Pot managers (particularly Chefs) can change the list criterion, say in the event, it becomes a higher level of funding round based on donations, or I-Am-Human is not enough to prevent Sybill resistance.
# PotLock Pot Contract
## Purpose
A Pot contract manages a **funding round**. Quadratic Funding (QF) is one of the distribution mechanisms currently supported, in which projects apply, patrons contribute to the matching pool, end users donate during the "public round" period, and at the end of the round, projects receive a portion of the matching pool relative to the broadness of their public support base.
**Sybil resistance** is essential for QF, as the intent is to demonstrate a broad base of support and the matching pool payouts are calculated accordingly. A single entity acting as multiple donors can therefore cheat the system and result in a larger payout. This Pot contract enables composable, customizable support for integrating sybil resistance services.
The typical flow/lifetime of a Pot is as follows:
- Pot is **deployed** via PotFactory contract
- Deployer (e.g. DAO that calls `deploy_pot` on PotFactory) is, by default, the "owner" (superuser) of the Pot contract
- After deployment, Pot **configuration** can be updated by permissioned accounts (owner or admins)
- A **chef** account can be set by Pot owner/admin. This account has permissions to change status of applications (e.g. move from `Pending` to `Approved`), as well as calculate and set payouts. Any action that is permissioned for the chef is also permissioned for owner/admins. The chef cannot update Pot configuration details; its primary purpose is to manage applications for the funding round.
- At any time after deployment until the public round has closed, a **patron** can contribute to the **matching pool**. A minimum amount for matching pool donations can be set by the Pot owner/admin via `min_matching_pool_donation_amount`. A `referrer_id` may be included with a matching pool donation, indicating an account to which a percentage of the donation should be sent as a **referral fee**. This percentage is set by the owner/admin via `referral_fee_matching_pool_basis_points`. No additional fees (e.g. protocol or chef fees) are paid out of matching pool donations.
- During the **application period** (between `application_start_ms` and `application_end_ms`), projects may apply to the funding round. Depending on the registration requirement set by the owner/admin via `registry_provider`, projects may be required to be registered on an external registry contract before they can apply.
- During the **public round** (between `public_round_start_ms` and `public_round_end_ms`), end users may donate to approved projects. A `project_id` must be specified with the donation. Similarly to matching pool donations, a `referrer_id` may be provided; the referral fee percentage for public donations is set by the owner/admin via `referral_fee_public_round_basis_points`. Sybil resistance checks may be implemented for public donations by the Pot owner/admin. If a chef is specified on the contract, they will receive a percentage of the donation as specified by `chef_fee_basis_points`. If a `protocol_config_provider` is specified, a cross-contract (CC) call to this provider will be made to retrieve the percentage and recipient account for the protocol fee, and this amount will also be taken out of the donation. The donation must be large enough to cover its own storage _after_ all fees have been subtracted.
- Once the public round is over, **payouts** may be calculated. This occurs off-chain as it is a computationally-expensive operation due to pairwise square root calculations. This calculation logic, however, will live on-chain in a BOS component. It can currently be found in [`test/utils/quadratics.ts`](../test/utils/quadratics.ts). Its required inputs are the total matching pool amount, and all individual donations, which can be fetched via paginated calls to `get_donations`. Once payouts have been calculated off-chain, they should be set on the Pot contract by the chef (or owner/admin). During this process, an error will occur if the total payout amount is not consistent with the matching pool balance.
- Once payouts are set, a **cooldown period** starts (currently hardcoded to one week). The end of the cooldown period is specified by `cooldown_end_ms`, and this can be updated by owner/admin. The intention of the cooldown period is to allow a public audit of the payouts and allow challenges. Once the cooldown period is complete, payouts can be processed and payments will be made from the matching pool to individual projects.
- Once payouts have all been processed and paid out, without errors, `all_paid_out` is set to `true` and this is considered the end of life for the Pot.
## Contract Types / Structure
### Contract / Config
/// Contract state as stored on-chain
pub struct Contract {
/// Owner of the contract
owner: AccountId,
/// Admins of the contract (Owner, which should in most cases be DAO, might want to delegate admin rights to other accounts)
admins: UnorderedSet<AccountId>,
/// Address (ID) of Pot manager ("chef"). This account is responsible for managing the Pot, e.g. reviewing applications, setting payouts, etc.
/// Optional because it may be set after deployment.
chef: LazyOption<AccountId>,
/// User-facing name for this Pot
pot_name: String,
/// User-facing description for this Pot
pot_description: String,
/// Maximum number of projects that can be approved for the round. Considerations include gas limits for payouts, etc.
max_projects: u32,
/// Base currency for the round
/// * NB: currently only `"near"` is supported
base_currency: AccountId,
/// MS Timestamp when applications can be submitted from
application_start_ms: TimestampMs,
/// MS Timestamp when applications can be submitted until
application_end_ms: TimestampMs,
/// MS Timestamp when the public round starts
public_round_start_ms: TimestampMs,
/// MS Timestamp when the round ends
public_round_end_ms: TimestampMs,
/// Account ID that deployed this Pot contract (set at deployment, cannot be updated)
deployed_by: AccountId,
/// Contract ID + method name of registry provider that should be queried when projects apply to round. Method specified must receive "account_id" and return bool indicating registration status.
/// * Optional because not all Pots will require registration, and those that do might set after deployment.
registry_provider: LazyOption<ProviderId>,
/// Minimum amount that can be donated to the matching pool
min_matching_pool_donation_amount: u128,
/// Sybil contract address & method name that will be called to verify humanness. If `None`, no checks will be made.
sybil_wrapper_provider: LazyOption<ProviderId>,
/// Sybil checks (if using custom sybil config)
custom_sybil_checks: LazyOption<HashMap<ProviderId, SybilProviderWeight>>,
/// Minimum threshold score for Sybil checks (if using custom sybil config)
custom_min_threshold_score: LazyOption<u32>,
/// Basis points (1/100 of a percent) that should be paid to an account that refers a matching pool donor (paid at the point when a matching pool donation comes in)
referral_fee_matching_pool_basis_points: u32,
/// Basis points (1/100 of a percent) that should be paid to an account that refers a public donor (paid at the point when a public donation comes in)
referral_fee_public_round_basis_points: u32,
/// Chef's fee for managing the round. Gets taken out of each donation as they come in and are paid out
chef_fee_basis_points: u32,
/// Total matching pool donations
total_matching_pool_donations: u128,
/// Amount of matching funds available (not yet paid out)
matching_pool_balance: u128,
/// Total public donations
total_public_donations: u128,
/// Cooldown period starts when Chef sets payouts
cooldown_end_ms: LazyOption<TimestampMs>,
/// Indicates whether all projects been paid out (this would be considered the "end-of-lifecycle" for the Pot)
all_paid_out: bool,
/// All application records
applications_by_id: UnorderedMap<ApplicationId, VersionedApplication>,
/// Approved application IDs
approved_application_ids: UnorderedSet<ApplicationId>,
/// All donation records
donations_by_id: UnorderedMap<DonationId, VersionedDonation>,
/// IDs of public round donations (made by donors who are not Patrons, during public round)
public_round_donation_ids: UnorderedSet<DonationId>,
/// IDs of matching pool donations (made by Patrons)
matching_pool_donation_ids: UnorderedSet<DonationId>,
/// IDs of donations made to a given project
donation_ids_by_project_id: LookupMap<ProjectId, UnorderedSet<DonationId>>,
/// IDs of donations made by a given donor (user)
donation_ids_by_donor_id: LookupMap<AccountId, UnorderedSet<DonationId>>,
// payouts
payouts_by_id: UnorderedMap<PayoutId, VersionedPayout>, // can iterate over this to get all payouts
payout_ids_by_project_id: LookupMap<ProjectId, UnorderedSet<PayoutId>>,
/// contract ID + method name of protocol config provider that should be queried for protocol fee basis points and protocol fee recipient account.
/// Method specified must receive no requried args and return struct containing protocol_fee_basis_points and protocol_fee_recipient_account.
/// Set by deployer and cannot be changed by Pot owner/admins.
protocol_config_provider: LazyOption<ProviderId>,
/// Contract "source" metadata, as specified in NEP 0330 (https://github.com/near/NEPs/blob/master/neps/nep-0330.md), with addition of `commit_hash`
contract_source_metadata: LazyOption<VersionedContractSourceMetadata>,
/// Ephemeral-only external struct (used in views)
pub struct PotConfig {
pub owner: AccountId,
pub admins: Vec<AccountId>,
pub chef: Option<AccountId>,
pub pot_name: String,
pub pot_description: String,
pub max_projects: u32,
pub base_currency: AccountId,
pub application_start_ms: TimestampMs,
pub application_end_ms: TimestampMs,
pub public_round_start_ms: TimestampMs,
pub public_round_end_ms: TimestampMs,
pub deployed_by: AccountId,
pub registry_provider: Option<ProviderId>,
pub min_matching_pool_donation_amount: U128,
pub sybil_wrapper_provider: Option<ProviderId>,
pub custom_sybil_checks: Option<HashMap<ProviderId, SybilProviderWeight>>,
pub custom_min_threshold_score: Option<u32>,
pub referral_fee_matching_pool_basis_points: u32,
pub referral_fee_public_round_basis_points: u32,
pub chef_fee_basis_points: u32,
pub matching_pool_balance: U128,
pub total_public_donations: U128,
pub public_donations_count: u32,
pub payouts: Vec<PayoutExternal>,
pub cooldown_end_ms: Option<TimestampMs>,
pub all_paid_out: bool,
pub protocol_config_provider: Option<ProviderId>,
/// Ephemeral-only
pub struct UpdatePotArgs {
pub owner: Option<AccountId>,
pub admins: Option<Vec<AccountId>>,
pub chef: Option<AccountId>,
pub pot_name: Option<String>,
pub pot_description: Option<String>,
pub max_projects: Option<u32>,
pub application_start_ms: Option<TimestampMs>,
pub application_end_ms: Option<TimestampMs>,
pub public_round_start_ms: Option<TimestampMs>,
pub public_round_end_ms: Option<TimestampMs>,
pub registry_provider: Option<ProviderId>,
pub min_matching_pool_donation_amount: Option<U128>,
pub sybil_wrapper_provider: Option<ProviderId>,
pub custom_sybil_checks: Option<Vec<CustomSybilCheck>>,
pub custom_min_threshold_score: Option<u32>,
pub referral_fee_matching_pool_basis_points: Option<u32>,
pub referral_fee_public_round_basis_points: Option<u32>,
pub chef_fee_basis_points: Option<u32>,
/// Result expected from protocol_config_provider when querying for protocol fee configuration
pub struct ProtocolConfigProviderResult {
pub basis_points: u32,
pub account_id: AccountId,
### Applications
pub type ProjectId = AccountId;
pub type ApplicationId = ProjectId; // Applications are indexed by ProjectId
pub struct Application {
/// functions as unique identifier for application, since projects can only apply once per round
// Don't technically need this, since we use the project_id as the key in the applications_by_id mapping, but it's possible that we'll want to change that in the future, so keeping this for now
pub project_id: ProjectId,
/// Optional message to be included in application
pub message: Option<String>,
/// Status of the project application (Pending, Accepted, Rejected, InReview)
pub status: ApplicationStatus,
/// Timestamp for when the application was submitted
pub submitted_at: TimestampMs,
/// Timestamp for when the application was last updated (e.g. status changed)
pub updated_at: Option<TimestampMs>,
/// Notes to be added by Chef when reviewing the application
pub review_notes: Option<String>,
pub enum ApplicationStatus {
### Donations
pub type DonationId = u64; // auto-incrementing ID for donations
pub struct Donation {
/// ID of the donor
pub donor_id: AccountId,
/// Amount donated
pub total_amount: u128,
/// Amount after all fees/expenses (incl. storage)
pub net_amount: u128,
/// Optional message from the donor
pub message: Option<String>,
/// Timestamp when the donation was made
pub donated_at: TimestampMs,
/// ID of the project receiving the donation, if applicable (matching pool donations will contain `None`)
pub project_id: Option<ProjectId>,
/// Referrer ID
pub referrer_id: Option<AccountId>,
/// Referrer fee
pub referrer_fee: Option<u128>,
/// Protocol fee
pub protocol_fee: u128,
/// Chef ID
pub chef_id: Option<AccountId>,
/// Chef fee
pub chef_fee: Option<u128>,
/// Ephemeral-only (used in views)
pub struct DonationExternal {
/// ID of the donation
pub id: DonationId,
/// ID of the donor
pub donor_id: AccountId,
/// Amount donated
pub total_amount: U128,
/// Amount after all fees/expenses (incl. storage)
pub net_amount: U128,
/// Optional message from the donor
pub message: Option<String>,
/// Timestamp when the donation was made
pub donated_at: TimestampMs,
/// ID of the project receiving the donation, if applicable (matching pool donations will contain `None`)
pub project_id: Option<ProjectId>,
/// Referrer ID
pub referrer_id: Option<AccountId>,
/// Referrer fee
pub referrer_fee: Option<U128>,
/// Protocol fee
pub protocol_fee: U128,
/// Indicates whether this is matching pool donation
pub matching_pool: bool,
/// Chef ID
pub chef_id: Option<AccountId>,
/// Chef fee
pub chef_fee: Option<U128>,
pub const DONATION_ID_DELIMETER: &str = ":";
### Payouts
pub const PAYOUT_ID_DELIMITER: &str = ":";
pub type PayoutId = String; // concatenation of application_id + PAYOUT_ID_DELIMITER + incrementing integer per-project
pub struct Payout {
/// Unique identifier for the payout
pub id: PayoutId,
/// ID of the application receiving the payout
pub project_id: ProjectId,
/// Amount to be paid out
pub amount: U128,
/// Timestamp when the payout was made. None if not yet paid out.
pub paid_at: Option<TimestampMs>,
/// Ephemeral-only
pub struct PayoutExternal {
/// Unique identifier for the payout
pub id: PayoutId,
/// ID of the application receiving the payout
pub project_id: ProjectId,
/// Amount to be paid out
pub amount: U128,
/// Timestamp when the payout was made. None if not yet paid out.
pub paid_at: Option<TimestampMs>,
/// Ephemeral-only; used for setting payouts
pub struct PayoutInput {
pub amount: U128,
pub project_id: ProjectId,
pub struct PayoutsChallenge {
/// Timestamp when the payout challenge was made
pub created_at: TimestampMs,
/// Reason for the challenge
pub reason: String,
/// Notes from admin/owner
pub admin_notes: Option<String>,
/// Whether the challenge has been resolved
pub resolved: bool,
/// Ephemeral-only
pub struct PayoutsChallengeExternal {
/// Account that made the challenge
pub challenger_id: AccountId,
/// Timestamp when the payout challenge was made
pub created_at: TimestampMs,
/// Reason for the challenge
pub reason: String,
/// Notes from admin/owner
pub admin_notes: Option<String>,
/// Whether the challenge has been resolved
pub resolved: bool,
impl PayoutsChallenge {
pub fn to_external(&self, challenger_id: AccountId) -> PayoutsChallengeExternal {
PayoutsChallengeExternal {
created_at: self.created_at,
reason: self.reason.clone(),
admin_notes: self.admin_notes.clone(),
resolved: self.resolved,
### Providers
A "Provider" is a contract address + method name combination that "provides" some information or service, such as a `RegistryProvider` (which provides information on whether an account is on a registry), a `SybilProvider` (which provides information on whether an account is considered "human"), or a `ProtocolConfigProvider` (which provides information on protocol fee and recipient account).
pub struct ProviderId(pub String);
pub const PROVIDER_ID_DELIMITER: &str = ":"; // separates contract_id and method_name in ProviderId
impl ProviderId {
/// Generate ProviderId ("`{CONTRACT_ADDRESS}:{METHOD_NAME}`") from contract_id and method_name
fn new(contract_id: String, method_name: String) -> Self {
contract_id, PROVIDER_ID_DELIMITER, method_name
/// Decompose ProviderId into contract_id and method_name
pub fn decompose(&self) -> (String, String) {
let parts: Vec<&str> = self.0.split(PROVIDER_ID_DELIMITER).collect();
if parts.len() != 2 {
panic!("Invalid provider ID format. Expected 'contract_id:method_name'.");
(parts[0].to_string(), parts[1].to_string())
/// Validate (individual elements cannot be empty, cannot contain PROVIDER_ID_DELIMITER)
pub fn validate(&self) {
let (contract_id, method_name) = self.decompose();
assert!(!contract_id.is_empty(), "Contract ID cannot be empty");
assert!(!method_name.is_empty(), "Method name cannot be empty");
"Contract ID cannot contain delimiter ('{}')",
"Method name cannot contain delimiter ('{}')",
### Sybil configuration
A Sybil Provider can be used to enhance sybil resistance for public donations. This provider acts as a wrapper around individual sybil resistance providers (e.g. I-Am-Human, Wormhole, etc) and can be either used in its default configuration, or customized by providing `CustomSybilCheck`s.
/// Weighting for a given CustomSybilCheck
type SybilProviderWeight = u32;
/// Ephemeral-only
pub struct CustomSybilCheck {
contract_id: AccountId,
method_name: String,
weight: SybilProviderWeight,
### Contract Source Metadata
_NB: Below implemented as per NEP 0330 (https://github.com/near/NEPs/blob/master/neps/nep-0330.md), with addition of `commit_hash`_
pub struct ContractSourceMetadata {
/// Version of source code, e.g. "v1.0.0", could correspond to Git tag
pub version: String,
/// Git commit hash of currently deployed contract code
pub commit_hash: String,
/// GitHub repo url for currently deployed contract code
pub link: String,
## Methods
### Write Methods
**NB: ALL privileged write methods (those beginning with `chef_*`, `admin_*` or `owner_*`) require an attached deposit of at least one yoctoNEAR, for security purposes.**
pub fn new(
// permissioned accounts
owner: Option<AccountId>, // defaults to signer account if not provided
admins: Option<Vec<AccountId>>,
chef: Option<AccountId>,
// pot config
pot_name: String,
pot_description: String,
max_projects: u32,
application_start_ms: TimestampMs,
application_end_ms: TimestampMs,
public_round_start_ms: TimestampMs,
public_round_end_ms: TimestampMs,
registry_provider: Option<ProviderId>,
min_matching_pool_donation_amount: Option<U128>,
cooldown_period_ms: Option<u64>,
// sybil resistance
sybil_wrapper_provider: Option<ProviderId>,
custom_sybil_checks: Option<HashMap<ProviderId, SybilProviderWeight>>,
custom_min_threshold_score: Option<u32>,
// fees
referral_fee_matching_pool_basis_points: u32, // this could be optional with a default, but better to set explicitly for now
referral_fee_public_round_basis_points: u32, // this could be optional with a default, but better to set explicitly for now
chef_fee_basis_points: u32,
// other
protocol_config_provider: Option<ProviderId>,
source_metadata: ContractSourceMetadata,
) -> Self
/// The calling account should be the project/account that is applying
pub fn apply(&mut self, message: Option<String>) -> Application
/// Only allowed for projects/applications that are in Pending status
pub fn unapply(&mut self) -> ()
pub fn chef_set_application_status(
&mut self,
project_id: ProjectId,
status: ApplicationStatus,
notes: String,
) -> Application
// convenience methods that wrap chef_set_application_status (may remove, TBD)
pub fn chef_mark_application_approved(
&mut self,
project_id: ProjectId,
notes: String,
) -> Application
pub fn chef_mark_application_rejected(
&mut self,
project_id: ProjectId,
notes: String,
) -> Application
pub fn chef_mark_application_in_review(
&mut self,
project_id: ProjectId,
notes: String,
) -> Application
pub fn chef_mark_application_pending(
&mut self,
project_id: ProjectId,
notes: String,
) -> Application
pub fn donate(
&mut self,
project_id: Option<ProjectId>,
message: Option<String>,
referrer_id: Option<AccountId>,
matching_pool: Option<bool>,
bypass_protocol_fee: Option<bool>, // Allows donor to bypass protocol fee if they wish. Defaults to "false".
custom_chef_fee_basis_points: Option<u32>, // Allows donor to set custom chef fee % if they wish. If provided value is greater than self.chef_fee_basis_points, the smaller value will be used.
) -> DonationExternal
pub fn chef_set_payouts(&mut self, payouts: Vec<PayoutInput>) -> ()
pub fn admin_process_payouts(&mut self) -> ()
pub fn challenge_payouts(&mut self, reason: String)
pub fn remove_payouts_challenge(&mut self)
pub fn owner_change_owner(&mut self, owner: AccountId) -> ()
pub fn owner_add_admins(&mut self, admins: Vec<AccountId>) -> ()
pub fn owner_remove_admins(&mut self, admins: Vec<AccountId>) -> ()
pub fn owner_set_admins(&mut self, admins: Vec<AccountId>) -> ()
pub fn owner_clear_admins(&mut self) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_chef(&mut self, chef: AccountId) -> ()
pub fn admin_remove_chef(&mut self) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_chef_fee_basis_points(&mut self, chef_fee_basis_points: u32) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_pot_name(&mut self, pot_name: String) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_pot_description(&mut self, pot_description: String) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_max_projects(&mut self, max_projects: u32) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_base_currency(&mut self, base_currency: AccountId) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_round_timestamps(
&mut self,
application_start_ms: Option<TimestampMs>,
application_end_ms: Option<TimestampMs>,
public_round_start_ms: Option<TimestampMs>,
public_round_end_ms: Option<TimestampMs>,
pub fn admin_set_registry_provider(&mut self, contract_id: AccountId, method_name: String) -> ()
pub fn admin_remove_registry_provider(&mut self) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_min_matching_pool_donation_amount(&mut self, min_matching_pool_donation_amount: U128) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_sybil_wrapper_provider(
&mut self,
contract_id: AccountId,
method_name: String,
) -> ()
pub fn admin_remove_sybil_wrapper_provider(&mut self) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_custom_sybil_checks(&mut self, custom_sybil_checks: Vec<CustomSybilCheck>) -> ()
pub fn admin_remove_custom_sybil_checks(&mut self) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_custom_min_threshold_score(&mut self, custom_min_threshold_score: u32) -> ()
pub fn admin_remove_custom_min_threshold_score(&mut self) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_referral_fee_matching_pool_basis_points(
&mut self,
referral_fee_matching_pool_basis_points: u32,
) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_referral_fee_public_round_basis_points(
&mut self,
referral_fee_public_round_basis_points: u32,
) -> ()
pub fn admin_set_cooldown_end_ms(&mut self, cooldown_end_ms: TimestampMs) -> ()
pub fn admin_update_payouts_challenge(
&mut self,
challenger_id: AccountId,
notes: Option<String>,
resolve_challenge: Option<bool>,
pub fn admin_remove_resolved_payouts_challenges(&mut self)
pub fn admin_dangerously_set_pot_config(&mut self, update_args: UpdatePotArgs) -> PotConfig
pub fn self_set_source_metadata(&mut self, source_metadata: ContractSourceMetadata) // only callable by the contract account (reasoning is that this should be able to be updated by the same account that can deploy code to the account)
### Read Methods
pub fn get_config(&self) -> PotConfig
pub fn get_applications(
from_index: Option<u64>,
limit: Option<u64>,
status: Option<ApplicationStatus>,
) -> Vec<Application>
pub fn get_approved_applications(
from_index: Option<u64>,
limit: Option<u64>,
) -> Vec<Application>
pub fn get_application_by_project_id(&self, project_id: ProjectId) -> Application
/// Get all donations (both matching pool and public round)
pub fn get_donations(
from_index: Option<u128>,
limit: Option<u64>,
) -> Vec<DonationExternal>
pub fn get_public_round_donations(
from_index: Option<u128>,
limit: Option<u64>,
) -> Vec<DonationExternal>
pub fn get_matching_pool_donations(
from_index: Option<u128>,
limit: Option<u64>,
) -> Vec<DonationExternal>
pub fn get_donations_for_project(
project_id: ProjectId,
from_index: Option<u128>,
limit: Option<u64>,
) -> Vec<DonationExternal>
pub fn get_donations_for_donor(
donor_id: AccountId,
from_index: Option<u128>,
limit: Option<u64>,
) -> Vec<DonationExternal>
pub fn get_payouts(&self, from_index: Option<u64>, limit: Option<u64>) -> Vec<Payout>
pub fn get_payouts_challenges(
from_index: Option<u64>,
limit: Option<u64>,
) -> Vec<PayoutsChallengeExternal>
pub fn get_contract_source_metadata(&self) -> Option<ContractSourceMetadata>