๐Ÿ“ƒContracts Overview

POTLOCK is a series of smart contracts and decentralized front ends to making funding coordination streamlined (potlock.org/core to see all contract source code)

All Contracts

To ensure that all projects are coming from the official POTLOCK team they are deployed as subaccounts under the potlock.near namespace. Testnet and Mainnet follow the same naming conventions to avoid any confusion. There are 7 main contracts, (technically Pot has many contracts as many Pots are deployed under the PotFactory)

Contract Addresses

Source Code: https://github.com/PotLock/core/tree/main/contracts/donation

Mainnet: donate.potlock.near

Testnet: donate.potlock.testnet

Lists Contract

Source code: https://github.com/PotLock/core/tree/main/contracts/lists

Mainnet: lists.potlock.near

Staging: lists.staging.potlock.near

Testnet: lists.potlock.testnet

Registry [depricated](for accounts to add themselves and for owner + admins controlled by the owner to change the status of projects on the registry. Used to display projects and also enforced on Pots for application requirements)

Source code: https://github.com/PotLock/core/tree/main/contracts/registry

Mainnet: registry.potlock.near

Testnet: registry.potlock.testnet

Sybil aka nadabot (for people to submit sybil verification stamps from different contracts, users to verify stamps to increase the score to meet the human threshold, and owner + owner controlled admins, to approve & flag stamps, set weights, and set human thresholds, used as a sybil contract aggregator and managed contract enforced human checker)

Source Code https://github.com/PotLock/core/tree/main/contracts/sybil

Mainnet: v1.nadabot.near

Staging: v1.staging.nadabot.near

Testnet: v1.nadabot.testnet

Pot Factory (deploys quadratic funding rounds (pots), and sets fees)

Source code: https://github.com/PotLock/core/tree/main/contracts/pot_factory


Testnet: potfactory.potlock.testnet

Pot (quadratic funding round deployed by factory contract as a subaccount by anyone that specifies application dates, matching requirements, fees, a chef that can be changed by the owner, where QF payouts are calculated off-chain, initiated on the chain with a cooldown veto period, application & donation requirement according to registry and Sybil contract interfaces and allows anyone to sponsor for matching rounds, and donations to be passed through for optional fees and to keep track of matching payouts)

Source Code https://github.com/PotLock/core/tree/main/contracts/pot

Mainnet (whatever you deploy form pot contracts above)


Source Code: https://github.com/PotLock/core/tree/feat/revised-campaign/contracts

Testnet: campaignstest2.potlock.testnet

Testnet: v1.campaigns.potlock.testnet

Mainnet: v1.campaigns.potlock.near

Staging: v1.campaigns.staging.potlock.near


Source Code: https://github.com/PotLock/core/tree/voting-contract-mvp


Mainnet: mpdao.vote.potlock.near

Staging: mpdao.vote.staging.potlock.near


Source Code: https://github.com/PotLock/grantpicks/

Testnet: v2.grantpicks.potlock.near

๐ŸญPotFactory [live]๐ŸฒPot [live]๐Ÿ™Donation [live]๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธAttestations [WIP]๐Ÿค–Sybil Contract - NADABOT๐Ÿ“œLists [live]๐Ÿ—บ๏ธRegistry [deprecated]

Do you have any suggestions for our contracts? Make an issue request on Github today

Mainnet (potlock.near)

Testnet (potlock.testnet)

Warning: none of our contracts are audited, matter of fact we haven't even wrote the contract yet, super building in public vibes.

Last updated